3dverse and Gaming Campus join forces to train students on the new generation of real-time 3D

22/04/2024 by Patil Angaladian (Marketing Director)

3dverse and Gaming Campus join forces to train students to use the new generation of real-time 3D.

3dverse is a collaborative real-time 3D development platform that leverages the power of the Cloud to democratize access to high-quality 3D applications. There are no barriers to entry for users in terms of cost, technical knowledge or hardware capability, ensuring equal opportunity for all to enjoy the same 3D experience through a web-browser on any device (phone, tablet, PC). Over 150 students will use the platform to develop 3D applications for businesses across various industries.

This collaboration places both partners at the forefront of technology and education, paving the way for unprecedented technical innovations.  

Students will not require any hardware to use 3dverse as it's entirely cloud-based, enabling seamless collaboration on projects to create 3D applications for businesses across the world. Due to its accessibility, students will deliver applications in real-time to businesses and end-users who might not have otherwise had access to traditional 3D tools. explains Pierre-Adrien Forestier, 3dverse co-founder.

Sylvain Ordureau, 3dverse co-founder, adds that 3dverse reduces production times and operational costs for these exact reasons.

Copyright: Gaming Campus

To read more : https://gamingcampus.fr/newsroom/partenariats/formation-a-la-3d-temps-reel-partenariat-majeur-entre-3dverse-et-gaming-campus.html

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